If you are experiencing problems with, or have questions about the use of the CarrierPoint system, you can contact customer support using either the Online Problem Report form, or by contacting CarrierPoint directly at the number below.

Carriers, please direct other questions (about loads released to you, lanes you would like to service, or other  shipper -related issues) directly to the shipper(s) you carry loads for.

Phone: (678) 278-7096
Fax: (770) 263-2509

Carrier FAQ's

1. Learn how to accept a shipment, by clicking here
2. Learn how to schedule a customer / vendor appointment, by clicking here
3. Learn how to provide a proof of delivery (POD), by clicking here
4. Learn how to setup a new user account, find a user ID or reset a password, by clicking here
5. Learn how to setup your MyProfile, by clicking here
6. Learn how to search for spot loads and enter spot bids, by clicking here
Release Notes